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Walker's Mammals of the World by Professor John L. Paradiso, Professor Ronald M. Nowak
Walker's Mammals of the World Professor John L. Paradiso, Professor Ronald M. Nowak ebook
Page: 1362
Format: djvu
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISBN: 0801825253, 9780801825255
[4-6], as well as in mammals in general [3]. Male-biased SSD is predominantly attributed to intense intrasexual competition in males [1,3], as is supported by the correlation between SSD and social or mating systems in several mammalian lineages, e.g. Nevertheless, the extent of SSD does not depend exclusively on male size, but it is a function .. Mammals of the British Isles: Handbook .. PubMed Abstract | BioMed Central Full Text | PubMed Central Full Text OpenURL. The Popular Handbook of British Birds,. Walker's Mammals of the World (Complete Edition) - 0801857899. Http://www.camoscioappenninico.it/en/contenuti/apennine-chamois. Http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Artiodactyla/Rupicapra_rupicapra.html. Walker's Mammals of the World (Fifth Edition). Nowak RM: Walker's mammals of the world.